Preparing for Drought, Wildfire, Flooding, and Urban Heat
- Challenges:
- flooding
- waterconservation
- urbanheat
- publichealth
- urbanform
- Scale:
- site, community, neighborhood
- Challenges:
- energy
- publichealth
- fiscalhealth
- watersupply
- Type:
- urban, amenity, suburban
- Challenges:
- drought
- wildfire
- flooding
- urbanheat
- Challenges:
- drought
- watersupply
- wildfire
- waterquality
- urbanheat
- flooding
- publichealth
- regionalcollab
- fiscalhealth
- energy
- Type:
- urban, suburban, rural
- Challenges:
- publichealth
- urbanheat
- Challenges:
- energy
- waterconservation
- regionalcollab
- fiscalhealth
- Type:
- rural, suburban, urban, amenity
- Challenges:
- flooding
- urbanform
- Land Use:
- commercial, public, openspace, industrial, multifamily, mixeduse, singlefamily
- Type:
- rural, urban, suburban, amenity
- Scale:
- site, regional, community, neighborhood
- Challenges:
- wildfire
- watersupply
- waterquality
- Type:
- amenity, rural, suburban
- Challenges:
- drought
- wildfire
- flooding
- fiscalhealth
- Type:
- rural, amenity, suburban
- Challenges:
- energy
- urbanheat
- publichealth
- fiscalhealth
- culturalpres
- urbanform
- regionalcollab
- Challenges:
- urbanheat
- urbanform
- publichealth
- energy
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